Happy Easter - Buy or Rent a Firewood Processor or Chipper-DYNA Products

Happy Easter


Louie Weaver
Louie Weaver Sales Manager

Beautiful Easter

Easter is a beautiful time of the year. The earth is awakening from the grip of winter and florae is turning green, many birds have returned from their winter homes and everything seems full of life and vigor. Normally Easter is also a time when many people spend time socializing with family and friends. This year is very different with most of the county on varying levels of lockdown. My heart goes out to the many sick people who are battling COVID-19 and the heroes on the front lines taking care of the many needs. May God’s love and peace be with those who are sick and may His grace and strength buoy the courageous men and women on the front lines caring for the sick. Each one of the many people who have succumbed to this decease were someone’s loved one.


Easter is also a wonderful time to reflect on the goodness of God. Thanks to Jesus giving his life on the cross, we have the gift of salvation. Easter is a time of reflection for me on how Jesus rose from the dead and broke the powers of sin and death. Through Him we can have eternal life. May each one of us use this opportunity to reflect on the goodness of God. His power can truly change our lives. During uncertainty and fear God remains unchanging. May peace fill each one of our hearts and may we find rest in trusting that God is in control.

New items on DYNA site

Looking for a gift to let someone know you are thinking about them? We have added a few items to our website that make excellent gifts for yourself or others. The book Distant Shores written by my brother Luke, is about my father and centers around his growing up years and time he spent in Alaska working as a brown guide – quite a feat for an Amishman! Its an excellent read. Luke is a prolific writer and is purchasing manager at DYNA.

Stay safe and healthy!

Louie Weaver | Sales Manager



Luke At Wok
Luke Weaver Hard at Work